Thursday, 8 May 2014

mostly been finishing my Company and playing some games

Well it's been a while, during the last few weeks I managed to finish my RTB01 company and played in quite a few tourneys too (even managing to win my heat for the yorkshire open and best painted at the semi final) Next on the list is the Yorkshire open final at sanctuary games on saturday the 10th of May. here's so shot to prove Its not all be gaming and paint has reached model.

new RTB01 librarian

third dread finished 

Fighting the orks  

Full RTB01 company

Ramshackle boring machines finished.

The 100th marine

Best painted at the yorkshire open semi final

A relic marker

A new jet bike riding Chaptermaster

The bradford bash photos

squats :)

Some closeups of the company(and a cat)

next on the to do list

Well thats all for now, maybe some more photos next week from the yorkshire final. wish me luck.

Be back soon 
